The Casey Samson Team

Real Estate Myths Versus Reality

If you listen to a myth instead of the reality, 10’s of thousands of dollars can be at stake. This results in wasted money.  Below are the most common myths we hear related to real estate.


  1. Companies sell homes
  2. You have to pay 5-6% commission
  3. You can’t price it too high
  4. Coming soon is not needed
  5. Facebook post is social media
  6. Zillow “Zestimates” can tell you value
  7. Open Houses do not work
  8. Failure to sell is about bad marketing
  9. Prices are about what sellers need
  10. New bathrooms pay for themselves
  11. If I wait until spring prices will recover
  12. Realtors are friends

Here is the truth…


  1. Agents sell homes
  2. You can get the best agents in town for 4.5%
  3. Over pricing leads to the death spiral
  4. Coming soon is critical to setting the right price
  5. Geo fencing and Google ads are SM tools
  6. Computers can not price homes
  7. Open houses definitely work
  8. Failure to sell is bad pricing
  9. Prices are dictated by what buyers will pay
  10. Capital improvements return half their investment
  11. Spring brings more inventory
  12. Realtors are hired gun

Watch Casey discuss this topic on our latest Coffee with Casey or listen on our podcast.

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